Dear current, former members, annuitant and friends of the D.C., Metropolitan Police

Thank you for your donation to the DC Police Memorial and Museum Project, either by your purchase of our Christmas Ornaments, Challenge Coin, shirts, jacket or, making a cash donation or donating an item of artifacts or memorabilia.  Every bit helps our efforts to renovate the unsightly Memorial Fountain, build a new iconic police memorial befitting to all those who gave their all and build a modern museum that tells the story of the rich and cherished history of the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD).  


Why are we doing this, we have the National Police Memorial two blocks away?

Almost every city, county or state has a police memorial dedicated to their officers who are described by the worst six words in the English language, killed-in-the-line-of-duty.  Mrs. Shirley Gibson, mother of slain officer Brian T. Gibson, travelled throughout the United States while serving as the President of Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S).  Everywhere she went, the first thing the officers who met her at the airport wanted to do was show her THEIR memorial.  They beamed with pride when they showed their Memorial.  Mrs. Gibson says all she could think about was that the police department of our Nation’s Capital does not have a memorial to honor her son and all of the other sons and daughters who made the ultimate sacrifice.  Instead, we have a water fountain in dire need of repair and few know it even exists.  It’s time the police department of the most powerful city in the world has its own Memorial that honors its lost heroes.  To do this we must have the financial support of the public and business community AND you.  However, we believe in order to gain the support of the public and business corporations we must demonstrate these projects have our full support.  To show that support we need everyone to make a financial commitment by donating to the memorial. For additional information about this project please go to www.dcpolice.usAll monies go to the projects, we have no paid staff.

How are we proceeding?

As you know, the DC Government (DCG) gave us prime real estate between the Henry J. Daly Building and the H. Carl Moultrie Court House to build a new DC Police Memorial.  Gensler & Associates designed an iconic memorial and met with the Commission of Fine Arts for guidance.  We had been warned about a DC Court of Appeals Judge who tried to stop the NLEOM projects.  Working with the CFA, we coordinated with the DC Court Projects Officer and were eventually told the DC Courts as well as the Superior Court Judges had approved our project.  We were about to begin the fund-raising campaign when the bottom fell out and we learned the CFA rejected our design, in part, because of objections by the Judge. As devastating as this was, the Board reviewed the facts and decided we could put up a fight, but it would be costly and we lose in the end.

Since my last update I have met and presented a PowerPoint presentation to the multiple DCG elements, who oversee the renovation project for MPD HQ.  Today, 6/18/2018, the DCG requested info to finalize the donation agreements necessary to allow us to renovate the memorial fountain and build the new police memorial wall honoring our 121 fallen.  This is fantastic news and we are finally moving forward.  I have attached a copy of the draft by our architectural experts, Beyer Blinder Belle.  They just completed getting approvals from CFA for this design and received approval from the DC Government Historical Office.  I am comfortable to display this, even thought there could be some minor changes. We have faced several bumps in the road, but I can assure you the Board will not allow this project(s) to die, this is far too important a project.   Retirees have donated far too much, and we owe it to them and especially to our 121 fallen brothers and sisters to ensure we complete these projects

How can you help?

Our most important task is to continue demonstrating our commitment.  We must show the public these projects have the support of the current, former members and annuitants.  We all gave some, but SOME GAVE ALL and we can never allow them to be forgotten.

  • Please make a cash donation today. You can mail a check to the Police Federal Credit Union, 300 Indiana Ave., NW, Room 4067; Washington, DC 20001.
  • Set up small monthly donation payments through the Police Credit Union.
  • Donate with your credit card by clicking the button below.

 All donations are greatly appreciated, but it is great to see so many making $500.00 and $1000.00 donations.

Over the years we have all benefited from the department and its now time to give back and remember those who gave their all.

Don Blake

Founder & President

Board of Directors

DC Police Memorial & Museum Projects, Inc. (A 501(c)(3) not for profit organization.  100% of donations are tax-deductible.)


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